We review your current built environment procurement strategy, structure, processes and systems and, using trends observed within your data, provide recommendations to deliver added value. Objective independent analysis to identify opportunities to ensure capital expenditure delivers more and is aligned to your business objectives
We provide independent procurement alternatives to those currently utilised in your business. We provide recommendations to ensure that you are creating the right procurement environment and that your specifications, scopes of services, service level agreements, contractual framework, procurement calendars, purchasing platforms and supplier selections are organised to deliver the best value to you.
We provide periodic benchmarking analytics to give you the opportunity to embed measures to give you the confidence that you are delivering your built environment programmes competitively.
We provide elemental demand forecasts and communication strategies to ensure that your business suppliers are ready to meet your future demands and that they can give you their best and most competitive service.
We provide supplier dependency reviews to assess whether your suppliers are either overly dependent or not dependent enough on your business.
We provide credit checks to help you understand the financial robustness of existing or proposed suppliers
We provide services to deliver SMART performance measures of the supply chain and the systems and processes needed to manage supplier capability.
We provide audit resource to complete independent forensic reviews to determine if you are getting what you pay for.