The Greenhouse Registration

    Company Details

    Your Name *

    Email Address*

    Company Name

    Telephone Number

    Company Website Address

    Incorporated Company Number

    Company Trading Address

    Address Line 1

    Address Line 2





    Innovative Product or Service Description

    What challenge does the product or service provide a solution for?

    Define clearly the measurable benefits of your product or service and any details you can of forecast opportunity?

    Is your product or service already revenue generating within the retail built environment sector?

    Is your product or service already revenue generating within any sector and if so what sector?

    Please provide details to help us understand your current and aspirational scale (ie employee numbers, historic and forecast sales, current clients)

    Please provide a hyperlink to your product or service

    If your product or service can be witnessed delivering then please provide details of where

    Requests from Us

    Please confirm if you are happy for your company name and logo to be featured on our website if you progress to the detailed development stage?

    Please confirm if you are available to attend our speed pitch event

    Please confirm your agreement to the Terms and Conditions set out within The Greenhouse Agreement. (You must tick this box to send the form)